
SAP華南區金牌代理 - 工博科技
Solution DEMO Interface display and function
2022-07-14    瀏覽數量: 1560   分享:  
??????This scheme can realize the following functions:

1、Hardware data connectivity: 
Real-time data monitoring,remote control of equipment running status;Docking and verify with CIP data directly

2、Hazardous waste inventory control: 
Prevent hazardous wastes with properties of restrictions from being put together; Reduce personnel misoperation and simplify personnel estimate.

3、Inventory standing book: 
The condition of storage location shows clearly in the operation interface; The inventory of accessories in warehouse can be real-time query in the system; Scan code to manage stock in&out in warehouse.

4、Safety inventory control: 
System remains the purchase of materials automatically.

5、Cost of disposal of batch of hazardous waste :
track the disposal situation of hazardous waste batch then estimate the input cost of this order

6、The cost of equipment maintenance: 
System automatically reminds user operates such as  maintenance, patrol inspection,repairs,etc. Also calculates the cost of investing of equipment maintenance to help the management make decision.

7、Compatibility calculation:
Optimize the algorithm, the calculation time is shortened dramatically. And reduce the potential safety hazards caused by user operation. 

8、Collection and transportation plan:
The manager can adjust the priority of hazardous waste collection and transportation in the market to satisfy the needs of compatibility and physico-chemical mixing technology.

About  Commpro

Guangzhou Gongbo Computer Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Gongbo technology /commpro) was founded in 2008, sitting in the R & D center of South China University of technology. It is the world's leading enterprise management software SAP China's official gold medal authorized partner. The consulting team with master's degree and doctor's degree as the core is rooted in China's sap and it consulting service industry for more than 15 years. It has service institutions in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai, serving more than 1000 enterprise customers of different industry scales, including well-known enterprises such as GAC group,Yuehai holdings, Goldilocks, Chimelong group and Shenzhen technology. Based on a large number of industry practices, Gongbo has formed industrial solutions for electronic high-tech, auto parts, medical devices, environmental protection, trade, Pan home and other industries with sap+ self-developed product system.

Screenshot of scheme interface:


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